
Transform your photos with basic lighting

Lighting and staging can turn a simple photo into something unique. Learning these techniques doesn’t require complicated equipment, just the right method. This helpful video tutorial explores how to create stunning still life photos with simple staging and lighting.

Coming to you from Live camera club, this informative video demonstrates how to set up and capture a captivating still life photo using minimal equipment. The tutorial starts by creating the base using a few pieces of wood and covering them with black stage fabric to create a dark background. This simple approach is something you can easily replicate at home.

To enhance the light, a little studio flash with a zoom reflector and barn door used. The video shows how to adjust the flash to avoid overexposure and achieve the desired lighting effect. Lighting can dramatically change the atmosphere. Using a modeling light helps position the flash precisely, allowing you to see the impact of the light before taking the shot.

One of the key techniques demonstrated is to use a piece of board with a hole cut in the middle to create a shaft of light. This method helps direct light exactly where it is needed, adding depth and interest to the photo. The tutorial’s step-by-step explanations make this technique easy to understand and perform, even if you’re new to photography.

Adding a little smoke with a small smoke generator will enhance the image even more. Finally, the video covers post-processing tips in Photoshop, such as combining multiple images to enhance contrast and applying cropping to refine composition. Check out the video above for the full list.


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