
‘NO progress on climate’ – US still consumes 82% of energy from fossil fuels in 2023 – despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent by Biden-Harris – In 2023, the world burned more fossil fuels than at any other time in history’ – Watts Up With That?


Marc Morano

Through the Committee for the Liberation of Prosperity: Kamala Explains the Change in Fracking

There has been NO “climate progress.” Today, we get more than 80% of our energy from fossil fuels – the same level as we did five years ago – despite spending hundreds of billions of dollars. …

In 2023, the world burned more fossil fuels than at any other time in history. Here are the facts:

Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 1.7%, led by China and India.

Fossil fuel consumption in 2023 hits record high, rising 1.5% to 505 exajoules.

China is the world’s largest consumer of primary energy, burning 34% of the world’s 170.7 million tonnes of energy consumption.

Almost no country has met the UN’s fossil fuel ban target.

Through the Committee for the Liberation of Prosperity: Kamala Explains the Change in Fracking

It’s interesting to see liberals explain why Kamala suddenly abandoned her progressive stances on everything from the border wall, the Green New Deal, reparations, shale gas extraction, taxing unrealized capital gains, to Medicare for All, etc.

She said that while her political views have changed, “my values ​​remain unchanged.”

But her campaign’s explanation below for why she now PRO-shale gas drilling doesn’t make sense.

As we have noted many times on these pages, there has been NO “climate progress.” Today, we get more than 80% of our energy from fossil fuels—exactly where we were five years ago—despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent.

As for Kamala’s claim that other countries are meeting their climate goals, that’s also a myth. In fact, in 2023, the world burned more fossil fuels than at any other time in history. Here are the facts:

    • Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 1.7%, led by China and India.
    • Fossil fuel consumption in 2023 hits record high, rising 1.5% to 505 exajoules.
    • China is the world’s largest consumer of primary energy, burning 34% of the world’s 170.7 million tonnes of energy consumption.
    • Almost no country has met the UN’s fossil fuel ban target.



Solar and wind will account for just 13.9% of the world’s electricity by 2023 – Despite trillions in subsidies, mandates, UN climate summits, net-zero emissions and fossil fuel curbs

Despite mandates, subsidies, and regulations — solar and wind will generate just 14% of US electricity by 2022

Study in Science: Only 63 of 1,500 global climate policies in the past 25 years have reduced CO2 emissions – a success rate of 4.2% – Study author: ‘We found that very rarely [subsidies and regulations] really makes a difference in reducing emissions.’

Devastating testimony against solar, wind and EVs: ‘Huge amounts of energy and resources are needed’ to run ‘so-called green’ solutions

July 18, 2024

“These so-called green or ethical solutions are not real solutions. Just very nice marketing from the $1.5 trillion a year climate change industry.” A bunch of inconvenient truths about corporate wealth transfer with net zero emissions. — James Melville (@JamesMelville) July 16, 2024 Rachel Mathews:

The United States produces 84% ​​of its energy from fossil fuels – Solar and wind account for only 2.2% of total energy – Over the past decade, solar and wind have increased total energy production by 2.1% compared to fossil fuels’ increase of 27.9% – July 15, 2024

Bjorn Lomborg: “The United States produces most of its energy from fossil fuels (84%). Solar and wind only account for 2.2% of total energy (not just electricity). Over the past decade, solar and wind have increased total energy production by 2.1%. Fossil fuels have increased energy production by 27.9%.

The United States is largely fossil fuel-based, also in 2023. 82% of total energy (not just electricity) consumed comes from coal, oil, and gas. Nuclear is 9%, renewables (mostly biomass) are 9%. Solar and wind contribute 2.5%.

The United States, since 2019, has produced more energy than it consumes. And it has never been more energy independent since World War II. The last time there was a small energy surplus was in 1957.”

Watch: ‘Juice’ refutes claims that solar and wind are ‘green’: To produce one wind turbine, ‘we have to mine 900 tonnes of steel, 2,500 tonnes of concrete and 45 tonnes of non-renewable plastic’

March 5, 2024

Juice: Why wind and solar are making our power grid less reliable: Excerpt: “Just to make one turbine, we have to mine 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete, and 45 tons of non-renewable plastic. Then we have to ship it and burn it, ship it all around the world, and install it. And none of the stuff that goes into the turbine is renewable.”

Energy Analyst Mark P. Mills Exposes the Folly of Electric Vehicles Being ‘Net-Zero’: ‘You Have to Dig Up About 500,000 Pounds of Materials to Make a 1,000-Pound Battery’

Mandating electric vehicles in the US would require ’18 times the current global production of cobalt…three-quarters of the world’s lithium and half of the world’s copper and rare earths. China dominates all of these markets’

Wind Turbine Collapse: ‘Oil Leaking Everywhere!’ – ‘Wait, These ‘Green’ Wind Turbines Use Oil???’ – Yes, That’s an Average of 12,000 Gallons of Oil for a Typical Wind Farm

‘Coal is now the world’s leading energy source’ – Coal is no longer shunned, helping keep the lights on in Europe

Black Rock’s Larry Fink Admits Green Energy Is a Fraud! – At WEF, Larry Fink Ironically Destroys Net Zero Emissions When it comes to the power needed for AI: “By 2030 [data centers] need 30 gigawatts.. Where is that power going to come from? To power these data companies, you can’t have intermittent power like wind and solar”

Wash Post acknowledges reality: ‘Amid exploding demand, America is running out of power’ – US ‘electric grid’ is being pushed ‘to the brink. Utilities can’t keep up’ – ‘It’s staggering’ – But WaPo fears energy shortages ‘threaten to hold back the transition to cleaner energy’

AI = Reverse Energy Transition: Energy Analyst Mark P. Mills Testifies Before Congress That AI’s Massive Electricity Demand Means ‘Policymakers Can No Longer Consider the Idea of ​​an ‘Energy Transition’

WaPo: Top 6 ‘clean energy’ states are powered primarily by nuclear or hydroelectric power — not solar or wind. – U.S. CO2 emissions plummet as natural gas replaces coal

The report makes the quiet part clear: ‘Heavy industry’ (iron, steel, cement) will have to ‘adapt’ to intermittent solar/wind – ‘Will need to adapt to the impact of weather conditions… time of day on wind and solar generation’

You won’t build anything and be happy: UN report calls for ‘major emissions cuts in the building sector’ using ‘government regulation and enforcement’ to achieve ‘Net Zero Emissions’ – Replace ‘concrete and steel’ with ‘stone, wood and bamboo’

Looking back at 2011: ‘The era of constant power at home is ending, says UK electricity chief’ — ‘Homes will have to get used to only using electricity when it’s on’

Bloomberg News: ‘South Africa Hits Climate Target as Blackouts Cut Emissions’ – ‘Unintentional… Power Plant Failures Are Reducing Industrial Activity’

LA Times says in part: ‘Will occasional power outages help solve climate change?’ – ‘We may have no choice’

Energy crisis solved!? ‘Poor families (with smart meters) will be paid not to use electricity at certain times’ to reduce the risk of blackouts



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