Horse Racing

Harrington resigned as CEO of the BHA

Julie Harrington will step down as chief executive of the British Horseracing Authority at the end of 2024 after four years at the helm of Britain’s horse racing governing body.

She said she made the decision “a while ago” but agreed to stay on until the end of the year to ensure a smooth transition to the next chief executive.

The shock news comes just days after it was announced that another senior figure in the sport’s board, Jockey Club chief executive Nevin Truesdale, would also leave his job. me.

Harrington said: “There is now so much to move forward and develop the industry strategy which will ensure a brighter future for horse racing in the UK, it seems like the right time to move on and let others steer the sport through its next exciting phase.” .

“It has been a privilege to lead the BHA during a period of real change as the sport has developed and implemented shared strategies for a sustainable future and the ability to speak with one unified voice .

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“I love working in racing, it is a great sport to be involved in. I will always be a fan and you can expect to see me at the races in the coming years. I proud of the progress the industry has made over time.” over the past three years, especially in improving governance structures and I hope that racing stakeholders will continue to work together to attract new audiences, further improving the racing experience. customers and develop this sport.

I am confident that if the sport continues to foster the spirit of unity and common purpose that we have developed over the past few years, we can achieve great things.”

During his time as chief executive, Harrington has had to grapple with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on British racing, as well as challenges to the BHA’s position as governing body, leading to changes in the sport’s management structure.

She has also played a central role in the sport’s lobbying efforts with the government over gambling review, including the threat of affordability checks on punters. with the finances of the races.

That includes talks with bookmakers over reform of the tax system which broke down late last month when chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a snap general election.

The BHA has also been criticized during his tenure over issues including new whip regulations and controversial changes to this year’s fixture list, such as the introduction of Premier racing.

News of Harrington’s departure comes as the BHA is also looking for a successor to chairman Joe Saumarez Smith, who will step down at the end of May 2025.

Harrington added: “My future plans may include a move to a diverse non-executive career. Although I decided to step down some time ago, I have agreed to stay until at the end of the year for a smooth transition to a new CEO.

“The BHA board has been engaged in the search for Joe’s successor as chairman and informing the board of my intentions now gives the nominations committee the opportunity to plan the handover orderly, consider candidates’ complementary skills, and allow the new chairman to be involved in the final stages of the CEO hiring process.

“British racing is one of the cornerstones of our cultural and sporting heritage. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it, both during my tenure at Northern Racing, on the BHA board and most recently as CEO of the BHA. I wish it every success in the years to come.”

Harrington also paid tribute to BHA’s executive team and staff.

She added: “It is a team that has gone through a lot of changes over the last few years and is a team that is dedicated to giving back to our sport. With a busy period ahead, the entire BHA will remain Focus on providing a great service.”

Harrington became BHA chief executive in January 2021, succeeding Nick Rust. She joined British Cycling’s governing body, where she tackled the controversy surrounding its anti-doping policy and allegations of a culture of bullying in the sport.

Previously, she served as a BHA board member from 2014-19, and was a senior executive at Northern Racing — one of Arena Racing Company’s predecessors — for eight years, including a time as CEO of Uttoxeter.

Saumarez Smith added: “Julie is a fantastic chief executive of the BHA and has done so much for the industry since her appointment. We are lucky to have her in charge and will be difficult to replace.” I’m so grateful she did that.” has agreed to stay on through the end of the year to allow us to recruit her replacement and ensure a smooth transition.

“During Julie’s tenure we have completely transformed the governance of the sport and the BHA’s role in it. Her skills at influencing, often behind the scenes, have been key to the transformation.” That change and also in the positive adjustments made to the Gambling Act white paper that pose a threat to our sport.

“Four years at the top of any sport requires concentration, concentration and huge amounts of energy and Julie has done all of this, in what is at times a political environment and challenging stakeholders. I and the BHA board completely understand why.” She has made this decision now and I wish her every success in her future roles.”


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