
Climate Report Is Causing Anxiety in Kids, Future Net Zero Emissions Target, Not Climate Change – Watts Up With That?

From ClimateREALISM

Via Linnea Lueken

A post on the UK website Future Net Zero (FNZ) claims that climate change is causing anxiety in children. This is false. Since climate change is invisible and the weather is not getting more extreme, it is only the constant stream of scare stories in the media and schools that promote the false idea that the planet is doomed without immediate climate action that is traumatizing children. This makes groups like FNZ and those they quote in their article complicit in harming children’s mental health.

The article, “Climate change causes anxiety in children,” discussed a “new campaign” by a renewable energy company called 100Green, which touted the findings of a study conducted by Save the Children that found that 70 percent of children surveyed “struggle with climate anxiety.”

The post is short, but it’s a startling read, from advising parents to “keep a positive attitude when approaching climate change” with their children, to quoting Save the Children’s Gwen Hines essentially saying that children will be doomed if the policies she favors aren’t enacted.

Hines said this generation of children “will inherit a deeply unequal world if immediate action is not taken” and their concerns were “well-founded” given the so-called climate crisis and “growing inequality”.

In fact, Earth has never been a safe place to live.

Because modern technology is made possible by the use of fossil fuels, the entire world temperature related deaths and deaths due to severe weather has declined. The decline has also been significant, about 99 percent over the past 100 years, despite and possibly in part due to the modest warming that has occurred over the same period. (See figure below)

Nope the storms, forest fire, tornadoor flood getting worse, so children cannot “experience” anything that would make them think the climate is getting worse. Also, contrary to repeated media claims, snow, polar bearAnd island not disappear

Amid these facts, why are children so fearful and worried that they will face a climate apocalypse?

The answer is simple and obvious: media coverage and propaganda in schools.

EQUAL Climate realism currently discussed many times, It is no surprise that the media’s constant drumbeat of misinformation and panic about every weather event, linking them all to climate change without evidence, is having an impact on children. This is intentional. As is the push to include climate alarmism in classroom curricula in subjects that seem to have nothing to do with climate, such as ceramics and gym classas is the case in New Jersey schools. I personally experienced this “every classroom is climate” pilot program when I was in an Illinois public school. Students don’t ask for this kind of coverage; it’s just being shoved into their heads before they’re old enough to understand what the decarbonization policies they’re advocating mean.

Additionally, the FNZ post also asserts that today’s children “will face seven times more heatwaves in their lifetimes than their grandparents.” This is also false, and is a prime example of how climate alarmist groups spread misinformation to scare people, especially children. Climate realism dismissed the alarm surrounding the heatwave many times, But in essence, weather history does not show that heat waves are becoming more severe or more frequent in USA or Europe.

FNZ, Save the Children, and the media and educators who are repeating and promoting their climate misinformation are responsible for scaring children about climate change. They are the ones telling children that unless their parents and leaders do the radical decarbonisation they demand, the world will end. This language is so out of touch with reality and so extreme, some media outlets have even begun to question whether it is counterproductive.

FNZ and other groups like it benefit from generations of people being scared. This gives them financial support as well as political influence. It is disgusting that they damage the mental health of children with their own propaganda efforts, only to then use the anxiety they create in children as evidence that the world needs to radically decarbonise – after all, it is for the children.


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