
Big restaurant chains lag behind in animal protection, new report finds

  • Animal Equality has released its Restaurant Report, exposing 13 restaurant chains that fail to meet industry standards for pregnant pigs.
  • A prominent restaurant chain – Denny’s – has been embroiled in an animal cruelty scandal, with protests erupting across the country.
  • Meanwhile, the restaurant industry is moving away from pig pens due to growing public concern about animals.

As the restaurant sector increasingly moves away from keeping the mother pig in their supply chains, some well-known chains are now seen as falling behind.

Animal Equality’s newly released Restaurant Report identifies the top 13 corporations that allow strict restrictions in their supply chains. While some have refused to make public commitments to phase out gestation pens, others have reneged on their commitments altogether.

Consumers across the country are expressing their outrage by emailing industry leaders and speaking out on social media. Find out if your favorite restaurant chain is on the list and how you can share your thoughts with company executives.

Pregnancy crates cause controversy and opposition

Fetal crates, widely criticized by the public, scientists and animal welfare experts, have been banned in several countries and 11 US states. These tiny metal cages prevent animals from turning back or taking a step forward throughout their pregnancy. Mother pigs often have ulcers caused by needle bars piercing their skin.

pregnancy crate
Representative image of the farm using gestation crates

During its investigation of factory farms, Animal Equality discovered pigs biting or banging their heads on metal bars in a state of psychological distress. Some pigs were seen “pretending to chew” or biting the air.

Since 2008, restaurant giants like Chipotle, Cheesecake Factory, McDonald’s and Burger King have pledged to phase out or eliminate these cages, signifying a broader shift in the industry. They were joined by key players in the packaged food and food service industryincluding Conagra–supplier of Slim Jim, Reddi Wip, Swiss Miss, Orville Redenbacher’s and Chef Boyardee.

With the release of its Restaurant Report, Animal Equality is bringing public attention to restaurant chains that are falling behind their competitors. One of them – Denny’s – was involved in one nationwide animal cruelty scandalwith protests erupting from Los Angeles to New York City.

Denny’s International Franchise Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ

By failing to keep up with the rest of the industry, these 13 chains are putting their reputations in jeopardy. As we saw in the Denny’s animal cruelty scandal, the public demands better for animals. And more importantly, we now know that the public is watching.

Devon Dear, PhD, Director of Institutional Outreach for Animal Equality

Plant-based foods: a compassionate approach

In addition to speaking up for pigs, many consumers are choosing to eat plant-based alternatives to animal products. By reducing the need for meat, eggs and dairy, plant-based options can reduce suffering for farm animals while providing healthy, sustainable options.

Restaurants are increasingly recognizing this trend and offering more plant-based dishes. Discover compassionate alternatives to your favorite dishes, whether you’re going to a restaurant or whipping up dishes in your own kitchen.

Piglet in factory farm


Pigs, cows and other animals all feel pain and deserve to be protected from abuse.

You can protect these intelligent animals by choosing plant-based alternatives.


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